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Photoshop CS4 Extended - Lighting on a 3D Layer

Once you have a model on a 3D layer in PS CS4 Extended, you might want to change the lighting.

Watch the movie to find out how. (You can download the movie, if you have trouble watching on line. You can also download an .rtf file with the transcript, if you'd like one.)

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(If you'd like to go right to the movie about Moving the Model, it's here.)

You can find the controls for lights in the 3D panel. (If you don't have it visible, you'll find it in Window > 3D, at the very top of the menu.)

You can get to the Lights pane by clicking the Light bulb icon, on the right side of the Icon Row on the top of the Panel.

From there, you can change the Intensity, change the Color, and more.

Add Lights by using the New icon (it's the square with a folded corner that means "new" in most Adobe applications.) Delete them by using the familiar Trash icon.

You can toggle the Light Guides (graphic representations of your lights) on and off, using the Lights icon just to the left of the New one. That can be a great help, when you want to position your lights.

The tools to move the lights are in a vertical row, on the left side of the Light pane.

There is more information in the Accordion below.

Light Pane of the 3D Panel
Point Lights
Spot Lights
Infinite Lights
Moving a Light
Pointing a Spotlight at the Scene Origin
Moving the Light to Camera View
Saving (and Loading) Light Sets

Note: if you would like to see the information in the Accordion when printing the page, disable Javascript in your Browser, and reload the page. You should see all the Accordion panels open before you print.