About the Prints


Large Format Prints

Oil Paintings

Computer Art

Prismacolor Art

Small Format

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ferret with packed parachute
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Another small print, because people seem to like them!

This one was done in 1985. I was reading an article about paratroopers during the World Wars, and I went to visit a friend who had ferrets; the rest, as they say, is history. To get the ferret to stand up like this, his people used a malt flavored goodie that was squeezed out of a tube. The ferrets loved it, and didn't hesitate to stand upright in order to get some! And it was lots of fun for all of us.

The original is in Prismacolor Pencil on Canson MiTentes paper.

This print is available from my Zazzle store as a print, a sticker, and a button. If you'd like it on something else, please drop me a note, and let me know. I'll be delighted to put it on anything you want. Thanks!

If you want to contact me, please go to my Contact page for a mailing address, or you can reach me on Twitter, where I'm @RobinWood.