(Run your cursor over the image to see the detail. It may take a moment to load.)
Done as a bit of Whimsy! For the figures I used Poser, Zygote's "Victoria" figure, B L Render's excellent Dragon Factory, (once available from 3D Menagerie, but now retired,) for the Dragon, with maps I made in Adobe® Photoshop®. The props were all made in Bryce™, and that is also where I put the whole thing together and rendered it. Then I did a lot of retouching in Photoshop (I basically drew the girl's clothing there from scratch.)
I had a lot of fun putting this one together. I thought I was finished with it, when Skyia asked, "What is she feeding that little dragon, anyway?"
"I don't know," I said, "Some kind of little kibbles or something."
"Yeah, " she responded, "But what are they, exactly?" And the next thing I knew, we had invented Swoop Dragon Treats, a parody of Heinz' Pounce for Cats. And I had made the Swoop label and everything, so the can could be sitting on the window ledge. (Skyia came up with the name. I came up with the ingredients, which are listed on the can.)
Since I'm compulsive careful, I made the entire label. And it just fits on a real Pounce can. If you buy a print, the label is included, so you can make your very own can of Swoop. (Link opens a pop-up window with an image of the can.)
This print is no longer available on line. If you'd like a copy, please drop me a note, and ask me to put it on my Zazzle Store. Thanks!