About the Prints


Large Format Prints

Oil Paintings

Computer Art

Prismacolor Art

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Ghost handing sword to exhausted, kneeling warrior
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What a Knight for Apparitions

(Run your cursor over the image to see the detail. It may take a moment to load.)

This was the cover for Dragon Magazine #113, from September 1986. The original was oil on masonite, 17x22 inches.

Back then, the cover wasn't required to have anything to do with the content. We just painted whatever we felt like painting, and hoped the art director would like it.

This particular image had been haunting me for years, so I got two of my friends, Tom and Leslie, to pose for me, and got it out of my system.

By the way, I had to paint that sword several times. I kept doing it, and it kept coming out as a dagger, not a sword, so I would scrape the paint off the gesso and paint it again. After the third or fourth time, I finally figured out that the problem was the guard was too small! So I made it bigger, and that one was successful.

This print is only available from my Zazzle Store. Prints from Zazzle aren't signed, but you can choose any size you want, printed on any of the various Zazzle papers (from cardstock to canvas.) The default size is 17x22 inches, the same size as the original painting.

Prints from Zazzle come without a frame or mat, but you can have them framed if you want to.

This image is also available on cards, postcards, iPhone and iPad cases, and more. (If you would like it on something else Zazzle offers, let me know.)

Besides all of that, you have more payment choices at Zazzle, and they ship more quickly. So moving things there seemed like a win-win to me.

If you would like to see what is available, check out What a Knight at my Zazzle store.

This image is on a number of things in my Zazzle store, at http://www.zazzle.com/robinwoodent*. If you would like it on something it's not on, drop me a note. I'll be delighted to apply it to any of the merchandise there for you.