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Prismacolor Art

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out with the pack on a snowy, moonlit night
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Wolf Sister

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This is a picture I did in 1985. A friend of mine came over with her half wolf, and I took a whole bunch of pictures that afternoon. This is one of the drawings that came from that shoot.

It was done with Prismacolor pencils on Canson MiTentes paper, with plain white gesso to get the bright white on the moon and the highlights of the snow. (A technique that works quite well, and adds that punch to the sketches.) The only colors used were white, black, and light peach (for her flesh tones.)

This print is no longer available on line. If you'd like a copy, please drop me a note, and ask me to put it on my Zazzle Store. Thanks!

If you want to contact me, please go to my Contact page for a mailing address, or you can reach me on Twitter, where I'm @RobinWood.